Happy Family Day Weekend!
Dear CSC Board Members,
We hope you are enjoying your wintery Family Day weekend. Just a reminder there are no skating sessions tomorrow. Also for planning purposes, we are looking at running a 3 week bridge session from March 15th until April 2. This bridge session will offer all programs with the exception of CanSkate and Power Skating. We will then tentatively take one week off in early April and look to begin our spring session on April 12th running until the end of June. Usually the scheduling is done by the City in early January for our spring bridge and spring session but the COVID restrictions have slowed down this process at the city considerably. This has resulted in the delay in finalizing our schedule for the above period. There may still be a few small adjustments but the dates above are the timeline we are planning for. Thank you for your understanding as we navigate through this period.
Thank you,
The CSC Board of Directors