Colin Chanski

National coach

Rotation Harness Coach

Originally from Saskatchewan, Colin started skating at 5 years old. During his skating career, he competed 9 times in the Novice and Senior level at the Canadian Championships.

Colin has been the Director of Prince of Wales SC in Newfoundland and Labrador for the past 3 years. Prior to this, he spent 15 years in Finland as the Head Coach at Kuopion Taitoluistelijat Ry. During that time, he has worked in figure skating camps in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Latvia, France, Germany and Andorra in the summers. In 2018, he won the Finnish Skating Federation’s 2018 Ragnar Wikstrom Trophy, which is awarded based on skaters’ competitive results for the season (Finnish equivalent to Competitive Coach of the Year in Canada).

He enjoys working with skaters at all levels from Pre-Canskate to the senior level whether skating for fun or competitively!